BC kicks off new planning process for Public Legal Education and Information services

The Law Foundation and the Ministry of the Attorney General have asked Dr. Catherine Dauvergne KC, of the Allard School of Law, to lead an independent sectoral planning process for public legal education and information (PLEI) in the province of British Columbia.

The object of this process is to strengthen the provision of public legal education and information in the province and to align PLEI goals with strategies aimed at improving access to justice in the province.

Dr. Dauvergne and her team will begin their work in February 2024, with the goal of presenting recommendations to the Law Foundation and the Ministry of the Attorney General by June 2025.

An important part of this work will be hearing from members of the public about their experiences accessing legal information, and learning from agencies working in the PLEI sector and adjacent to it.

The project is hosted at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia, and is being conducted in partnership with the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University.

For further information about this project, or to contribute ideas and suggestions, please email plei.project@ubc.ca.